From the time i was a little girl till now my (i aint ashamed to say it) 25 year old young woman that I am I have always been taught that I am beautiful and one of a kind. Of coarse as i grweup with mostly African Amrerican children, they looked like me i was comfortable. I was comortable with everyone actually, I grew up in an affluent educated African American household with two parents that are both college educated.( Black Families)

So since I was the "chocolate" skin toned,  girl i wasn't really teased until middle school when white chicks started saying i talk like a "valley girl" it didnt REALLY botjer me until i started hearing when i moved down to Georgia which of coarse the south even today rasiciam is still prevalent. I had issues with the girls saying thing mostly about my hair, cause it's natually long comments like " is that your real hair", " does your mom have long hair" "what are you mixed with? " Nothing. well on my mom's side there is caucasian and native American and/or what we call down south Creole which is A person of mixed European and black descent, esp. in the Caribbean  or A descendant of Spanish or other European settlers in the Caribbean or Central or South America . Basically mixed, That is the dictionary defintition. With that said, Black is Beautiful seems to have been a phrase that has been tragically questioned amonst the Black race as a whole, particualrly in the south. I wanted to bring this issuse to light. (no pun intended)  The face that race within the Black community is STILL an issue. A while back I was watching a Tyra episode and i am recalling the topic "Do light-skinned-women-have it Better?"  there were of coarse lots of varying opinions. Back in history it was said that the lighter skinned people sis the housework and the darker-skinned slave was in the field picking cotton and doing the "dirty-work" because they were darker skinned. Fast forward to 2011 the 21st century and everything that we as a people and African American women as a double minority have accomplished!! Oprah,Angela Basset,Brandy,Aretha Franklin,Jennifer Hudson,Aaliyah, Jill Scott and many more strong black women who are just as sucessful if not more than their light skinned counterparts. I was recelty watching an episope of " The Tyra Show" the topic was "Racial perceptions and Preconceptions on race" it was about these lighter skinned Black women who experience issues with being called "bi-racial" when they are actually 100% African American , what they go through because people think that they're mixed. I understand that they have issuse but it almost seemed like they were feeling sorry for themselves because they look part white, and they felt that they had it bad,
when it's ironic because you would think it's the opposite. I am Black and Beautiful and have ALWAYS felt that way. I hope this post educated and enlightens young African American women of EVERY complextion!
Supermodel Alex Wek

Supermodel Iman




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