#2 20 Facts about me
1) Singing & performing are my passion! SUBSCRIBE TO MY WEBSITE FOR MORE INFO,UPDATES,EXCLUSIVE MUSIC My Website
2) I'm determined and self motivated
3) I like romantic comedies!
4) I earned my Bachelors of Arts degree in Broadcast Journalism May 2013! from Point Park U
5) I am in the process of recording my debut EP Series & Album!
6) I'm THE most loyal, honest, caring friend
7) I've lived in 5 different states! and traveled on cruises and family vacas! LOVE MY parents
8) I am working on putting my own fashion/lifestyle magazine together! anyone with writing experience contact me
9) I absolutely LOVE Law & Order SVU!
10) I'm petite and working towards Slim thick
11) I am relaxed working towards texlaxed with my hair/healthy hair journey MY HEALTHY HAIR JOURNEY!
12) I'm a LEO star sign: Ambitious,
The Leo lover is devoted, creative and almost too hot to handle! Since Leo rules the heart and back, however, overzealous Lions may have to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. You can bet that the Lion's home will be swaddled in royal purple and gold.The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot -- and have fun

13) If you cross me once most likely it's be tough or you WON'T be able to get back on my good side I find it difficult to trust.
14) I'm SO thankful for my life I was born 1 lb 12 ounces pre matture and had to litterally fight to survive ,birthdays are VERY important to me! I celebrate my life and am working to make it great.
15) I believe you have to love yourself before loving another, so you can be a complete woman in your relationship.
16) I LOVE the LORD Catholic & Proud
17) I have a BIG sense of humor! like laughing,I've been called "weird" but I'm just ME'! you understand my humor and weirdness and LOVE it! or ya don't! Holla!
19) I believe in QUALITY over quanitity with friends
20) I love home cooked meals!
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